14 Feb

359/365 – “Meet Shadow” nr.25, a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr. Sony RX1, 35mm f2 Carl Zeiss ISO5000, f/2.5, 1/80, raw Twenty fifth day of “Meet Shadow”. Happy Valentine to you all! My parents collected Agata from school today and delivered her home with this huge, red, heart-shaped balloon. Which obviously Agata now wants […]

01 Dec

290/365 – “Night Walking” nr.17, a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr. Sony RX1, 35mm f2 Carl Zeiss ISO12800, f/2.8, 1/80, raw Seventeenth day of “Night Walking”. Porta Portese, Rome, Courtyard. Another night of sneaking, this time through courtyards, which open to parkings, which open to other courtyards, which open to other parkings, and so […]

29 Nov

288/365 – “Night Walking” nr.15, a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr. Sony RX1, 35mm f2 Carl Zeiss ISO5000, f/2.5, 1/80, raw Fifteenth day of “Night Walking”. Porta Portese, Rome, Pedestrian Alley. Here’s one of the secret alleys which connects roads and areas of the neighbourhood which otherwise would be hardly accessible. Most of the […]