11 Apr
59/365(+1) by Luca Rossini
59/365(+1), a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr.

Lens: Minolta 85mm f1.4 AF
Camera: NEX-7, ISO100, f1.4, 1/80, raw

Agata gets six months old, today. It’s half a year. It’s a lot. It’s long enough for her to be a different person from the one Claudia gave birth to six months ago. In the last month her personality really started surfacing (and imposing). She’s so strong now, she sits, she stands, she grabs. And she seems smart and sweet. And it’s long enough for us to be different people. Claudia looks as slim and beautiful as she was before the pregnancy, and whenever I see a pic of the last two months of her pregnancy I hardly believe they are real. Our lives and our future resolve around the baby. We have to provide stability, safety, peacefulness, joy, education, and support.
We have to be parents. That’s a much tougher project than any 365, it’s a life time project.

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