15 Mar
32/365(+1) by Luca Rossini
32/365(+1), a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr.

Lens: Voigtlander color-skopar 35mm f2.5
Camera: NEX-7, ISO640, f8, 1/60, vivid

If you ever wondered about it, well, yes, a 365 project can be a huge pain in the @ss. Every morning, immediately after I posted the shot and the story of the day before, I get anxious about what I am going to produce in the remaining hours before bedtime, when I am going to find the time within the tight schedule I have these days, where I am going to shoot, what I am going to shoot, and if it is going to be at least as good as the shot I just posted. But, then, hey! this is just the kind of pain I was looking for, the kind of anxiety that would make me find time and energy when otherwise I would just be lazy couching.
Take this shot, for example. I took it at Pineta Sacchetti, one of the many pinewood parks in Rome. This particular place, however, is on my way home from work. It is almost two years that I drive through it most of the days. And, between March and October, I do it at sunset. When the pines get this amazing yellowish light on the top. And everything is beautiful. And I always think I should stop by, one of these days, and have a walk, and shoot that amazing light on the trees, and enjoy the park. But I never do. I mean, I never did. Because there was always something urgent to do, and when there wasn’t I used to be just too wasted and good only for some couch and TV.
But today, when I got to the park at sunset, I did’t pass by it, but I stopped and finally had the long-awaited walk. And do you know why? It is not because I “became more perceptive” or anything like that. It is because if I don’t stop and I pass by as any other day, there is no couch or TV waiting for me at home, no way, not anymore. What is waiting for me is the question of WHAT THE F()CK I’M GONNA SHOOT. So, a nice photo-walk in the park sounded immediately relaxing. As it actually was. And while walking by I’ve found a couple of new places I would like to explore better in the future. So, I’ve got the shot of the day, a nice walk at sunset in a pinewood where kids play and athletes exercise, and I founded a couple of new potentially interesting places to explore. All of that instead of the usual couch+TV combo. What a deal, hu?

2 thoughts on “32/365(+1)”

  1. An outstanding blog!
    Love your ideas and also the technical implementation.

    Very, very interesting.

    366nex serves as a model for a blog of mine, starting in may.

    Keep inspired!
    Best wishes, trshptr

  2. trshptr, thanks so much for you kind comment. I'm glad you're enjoying the blog, I'll do my best to keep it up with new daily ideas 🙂

    Please, let me know when you publish your blog, I am very curious!

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