15 Dec
308/365(+1) by Luca Rossini
308/365(+1), a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr.

Lens: Voigtlander color-skopar 35mm f2.5
Camera: NEX-7, ISO1600, f2.5, 1/25, raw

We spent the day wandering around the city, Claudia, NIcholas and myself. First the city center, a late lunch at Cul de Sac, to experience their excellent selection of wines, cheeses, hams, and pates. Then a bit of shopping in the area of via del Governo Vecchio, full of edgy boutiques beautifully decorated for Christmas. Finally, a walk between Piazza Navona and Chiostro del Bramante, the latter pictured in the daily shot.
This place has been built by Bramante between 1500-1504 for a cardinal, and it is considered to be one of the most important pieces of Rinascimento (Renaissance). The place is now a museum, right now hosting the exhibition “Brueghel. The fascinating world of Flemish art”.
Afterwards we took a cab and went to the neighborhood San Lorenzo to visit a friend who just rented an incredible, ex-industrial, apartment in the area, had a quick dinner, and then drove up to the North of the city to spend a few hours with Michele, the friend of mine who’s back from the U.S.A. for a few days.
The last days are being really busy with social life, something we weren’t much used to anymore, both because of Agata and our jobs. But in the last two weeks for many reasons the work has reduced enough to leave us some free-time to spend in the weekends, and this Friday we even left Agata at my in-laws, so we are really free. Sure we miss her, but it’s so nice, every once in a while, to feel able to just wander around, move from one party to another, meet as many friends as possible, leave home early without knowing when to come back.
Tomorrow we’ll have another lunch out with Michele and Nicholas, then eventually they’ll return to their respective countries, we’ll collect Agata, and everything will be back to normal.

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