19 Aug
189/365(+1) by Luca Rossini
189/365(+1), a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr.

Lens: Voigtlander color-skopar 35mm f2.5
Camera: NEX-7, ISO100, f2.8, 1/160, raw

Today we’ll return to Rome, leaving behind at the summer house my parents and Lucy the dog. We have a flight to catch tomorrow morning, we are going to visit Claudia’s parents this time. They are waiting for us at the harbor of Olbia, Sardinia, with their nice sailing boat. So, summer is not ended yet!
My parents ended up being really sorry that we’re leaving, especially because they got used to Agata, which in the last days had another grow-jump, she now loves to explore places by crawling or kind-of-walking, she talks a lot (in a language known solely by her), and she plays a lot (games she solely knows the rules of). Basically, you just need to watch her and she’ll put on an exhilarating show.
My father in particular got very attached to Agata, and she returns all his love with great enthusiasm. Knowing that today we were going to leave, he spent almost the whole day playing with her, feeding her, and cradling her to sleep.
We celebrated the perfect good-bye in the way we clearly know better: eating and drinking good food! We were invited by uncle Carlo at “I Due Pini”, one of the best restaurants of Monte Argentario, a little place with tables at few meters from the water of the rocky sea. It’s specialized in fresh and tasty seafood, they serve good wines, and it has a nice feeling. And despite the 34°C of an Italian summer day, a gentle and refreshing sea breeze blew for the whole, enjoyable, good-bye day.

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