20 Aug

Sony RX1, 35mm f2 Carl Zeiss
ISO100, f/2.5, 1/320, raw

Eighth day of the “Family Holidays” theme, Agata is a eater. She loves eating, she loves food, she loves tasting, she loves experimenting with anything that is (or looks like) comestible. She’s totally like me in this respect. I will never admit to anyone the (horrible) things I’ve done with food… Ok, now this may seem pretty creepy, I’m not talking sexually (like American Pie!) here, but more like I could keep eating before, during, and after lunch or dinner, and like crazy. For a time in my life I’ve been pretty fat, indeed. Luckily at the age of fifteen I started going to the pool and I fixed it. But with Agata I’ll have to be careful, cause I know what drives her with food, it’s the same urge that sometimes still drives me (crazy).

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